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Google Algorithm Update: Understand How Piio can help you


Google changes all the time, and there are many things on our website that we must pay attention to rank higher on Google. In other words, to push the SEO from our site. The Company is no longer just optimizing websites only for information that matches keywords. It's time for a new era, where optimization is the breaking point for a more delightful website.Now, Google is screaming that all websites must put the user in the center. It's time to focus on User Experience and Optimize our Website to delight our guests.

In this post, we are going to tell you which main changes are and how you can improve your website with some easy steps and powerful tools. Are you ready to understand the New Google Algorithm?

Which are the main updates?

Google is imposing to focus on giving a faster experience and at high quality. As part of best practices, the Company will start taking into account the user experience into its search results, as well as the top stories feature in mobile search. We introduce you to the concept of First Contentful Paint - First Contentful Paint (FCP) is when the browser renders the first bit of content, providing the early feedback to the user, and showing that the page is loading.

The new Algorithm will look for the combination of quantifiable metrics related to speed: The faster your website loads, your users will have a better experience. Responsiveness, safe browsing, https, and no intrusive pop-up (That's an important point! Use it but don't abuse) are other elements that Google will take into account. You could have a diagnosis with our tool of your website to help you to be more likely to Google's Algorithm.

What should I do?

Our suggestions are:

  1. Run an Image Speed Test
  2. Apply all the suggestions you get to your website
  3. Focus on having load times less than 2.5 seconds
  4. Make sure your content is relevant for the audience, and they interact within 100 microseconds

Not everything is lost

It doesn't mean that Google will forget the other rankings criteria. It will still rank pages with useful information, and relevant keywords, even if the UX isn't good enough. The Company mentioned on a post "Great page experience doesn't override having great page content" BUT- They said when there are pages with similar relevance, the "page experience" factor will be critical for Google Search ranking.


Google Search announced a new Search ranking criteria focused on the entire Digital Page Experience. We're excited to help to build better websites to rank higher by giving a fantastic User Experience. Adding that the design component will help even more to be likely for Google: User-friendly page design is about to become even more critical.

It's clear they focus now on the whole website experience. That's what we've talked about above, they will push pages that put the user as a priority and gives the best experience possible while they are visiting our website. You can read more about the new Google Algorithms updates here.

Last but not least, due to the COVID-19, Google is giving until next year (around six months) before rolling out. The update will also no longer require that publishers use Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) to be eligible for top stories).

If you want to be on step further, we could help you. Check what Piio could do for you ;)